By: Brian Aguilar
Time:  5:55
Grade:  5
Price:  $650.00

“Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above.  They come out of struggles from below.” – Noam Chomsky

When people are oppressed, they will eventually rise against their masters to take control for themselves.  But what happens once the new power structure is in place?  How long until the new masters become the oppressors and someone rises against them?  Reign examines this cyclical nature in the struggle for power.  

The heavy, dark tones and rattling chain effects of the introduction represent the oppressed.  Inspired by the sudden snare solo, the oppressed rise and express their dreams and hopes in the climax of the first section.  The second section of the show represents the rebellion and physical struggle to win freedom through angular rhythms, biting dissonances, and odd mixed meters.   The third section represents the time of good feeling and good will following the change in power.  Soon though, things begin to turn as power is sought.  At the end of the show you hear a return to the sounds of the oppressed from the introduction of the show.  The cycle continues.

Reign MP3          Reign Score Sample          


Tenors (Quints)
Bass Drums (5)
Marching Cymbals
Marimba 1, 2, 3
Vibraphone 1, 2
Bass Guitar
Synth 1, 2, 3
Drum Set
Auxiliary Percussion 1, 2, 3